Fire warning over Christmas decorations

House goes up in flames in Stalybridge

Damage from decorations fire
Author: Michelle LiveseyPublished 2nd Dec 2020

A house in Stalybridge has suffered severe smoke damage after a candle on a fireplace set fire to Christmas decorations.

Crews were called to Mottram Road on Friday 27 November at 6.45pm and luckily managed to bring the blaze under control quite quickly.

Candle sets fire to decorations

Crews remained on scene for approximately an hour and 45 minutes.

Fortunately, nobody was hurt in the incident, but Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) is urging people to take extra care when decorating their homes this festive season.

Smoke damaged living room

Group Manager for Tameside and Stockport, Phil Nelson said: “Thankfully no one was injured at this incident and thanks to the fast-thinking actions of neighbours and our firefighters the fire was under control quickly, however the smoke damage was extensive throughout the house.

“It’s been a tough year for so many people and we want our residents to enjoy the celebrations but it is so important that you do so safely. This incident is a timely reminder of just one of the many fire risks around the home at Christmas and in winter.

“Please take extra care when putting up Christmas decorations and check your property for any potential fire safety hazards. Ensure candles are kept well away from any flammable materials and that they are in a table holder.

“A working smoke alarm can alert you if a fire did occur in your home - please check yours today by testing the button until it sounds.”

With Greater Manchester in Tier 3 restrictions from today (Wednesday 2 December) people will continue to spend more time at home and with the colder weather and dark nights comes a greater risk of fire.

If you don’t already have one, please take the time to create a night-time routine that is known to all members of your household. A night-time routine should include:

· Close inside doors at night to stop a fire and smoke from spreading and protect your escape route

· Turn off and unplug electrical appliances unless they are designed to be left on - like your freezer

· Check your cooker is turned off

· Don't leave the washing machine or dishwasher on through the night

· Turn heaters off and put up fireguards

· Put candles and cigarettes out properly

· Make sure exits are kept clear

· Keep door and window keys where everyone can find them

Click here to see the latest fire safety advice from Greater Manchester Fire Service.