Firefighter of 30 years suffers burn to head after being hit by fireworks

"I’m Manchester born and bred and work hard to help protect my community – but I must confess last night’s incident has shaken me."

Author: Tom DambachPublished 1st Nov 2019
Last updated 1st Nov 2019

A dedicated Watch Manager of almost 30 years’ firefighting service was last night hit by a firework aimed at a crew from Blackley who were tackling a bonfire in Crumpsall Park.

Firefighters were called to the scene just after 8.45pm yesterday. As 50 year-old WM Paul Marston and a colleague approached the blaze in the south side of the park, a group of roughly 15 youths dressed in black began to aim lighted fireworks in their direction.

As WM Marston turned to return to the fire engine, a firework ricocheted off his colleague and lodged under the back of his helmet, burning hair and skin.

He was treated with a burns pack at the scene before requiring further assessment at North Manchester Hospital.

'It lodged inside my helmet'

WM Marston said: “I have been a firefighter for Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service for 27 years and have never before been injured in an attack – all we were doing was responding promptly and professionally to an emergency call. I’m Manchester born and bred and work hard to help protect my community – it’s my job, I’m proud to serve, but I must confess last night’s incident has shaken me.

I’d not been on shift for two hours before we were called to the park. As we approached the bonfire I saw a group of youngsters and my intention was to go over and speak to them about fire safety. But as soon as we saw fireworks being lit we got a sense of what was about to happen.

When I was hit, the pain wasn’t the thing I remember most clearly but the impact followed by the horrible smell of burning hair. It lodged inside my helmet and, as we were retreating from the scene, I struggled to get it off. I’m very grateful to my colleagues on White Watch and the staff at the hospital for their medical treatment.

I’ll be honest, in the hours that followed I felt furious. But I soon calmed down and have actually stayed on shift all night – it’s my responsibility to be at work, protecting my local community. But the next time I’m called to an incident like a bonfire or other small fire in a public space I expect last night will be on my mind.”

Earlier this week a GMFRS crew from Hollins came under attack when a bottle was thrown at a fire engine while firefighters were responding to reports of a fire in the open in Limeside Park in Oldham.

Last year the government introduced new legislation to protect emergency personnel while on duty and individuals who attack or assault emergency service workers could face long jail terms.

The Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Bill created a new offence of “assault against an emergency worker in the exercise of their functions’” – the Bill covers emergency workers, including the fire service, search and rescue services, police, prison officers, custody offers and ambulance personnel.