Girl attack by intruder in her bedroom in Radcliffe

Police have stepped up patrols

Police investigation
Author: Michelle LiveseyPublished 15th Nov 2019

The hunt's on for a man who broke into a house in Radcliffe and attacked a young girl in her bedroom.

Shortly before 4:30am on Friday 15 November 2019, police were called to reports of an intruder in a house on Albion Street.

The report stated that a man had entered the property and went into the bedroom of a young girl and sexual assaulted her.

After being disturbed by other people in the house, the man left the scene and may have been seen on Outward Road heading towards Radcliffe.

The man is described as white, 30-50-years old, approximately 6ft tall, wearing light coloured trousers, dark jacket and glasses.

Detective Superintendent Howard Millington, of GMP’s Bury district, said: “This was an incredibly traumatic incident for the young girl involved and we’re doing all we can to provide her with specialist support. Her welfare is one of our top priorities as we try to establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident.

“I appreciate that what happened may cause concern among residents in the local community but I want to make it clear that we are doing all that we can to trace the person responsible and bring them to justice. I would like to reassure people that this was an isolated incident and we will have increased patrols in the area whilst enquiries continue.

“I urge anyone who has any information, no matter how small, to please contact us”.

Anyone with any information should contact police on 0161 856 8172 quoting incident number 344 15/11/19.

Information can be passed on anonymously by calling the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111