GMP reassure communities after the attacks in New Zealand

Author: Francesca FlynnPublished 16th Mar 2019

Assistant Chief Constable Russ Jackson from Greater Manchester Police, said: “Since the terrible events of yesterday, Greater Manchester Police has sent officers to mosques to speak to congregations and reassure them.

“We held a meeting with representatives from mosques yesterday and explained what we are doing, and we are really encouraged by the positive response we have had.

“It is clear that people are worried and we really understand that. This is why over the coming days and into next weekend we will be sending more staff to speak to congregations at mosques, again to offer support and reassurance.

“It is truly terrible what happened yesterday. It is hard to put into any form of words.

“Many vigils have already taken place, with one in the city centre yesterday evening where police were in attendance listening to people’s thoughts and feelings.

“Whilst everyone at the vigil was deeply reflective over yesterday’s horrible events, their thoughts inevitably turned to security of mosques here in the UK.

“We have nothing to suggest any threat locally, but none of this can diminish how people feel and that is why we want to be there to offer more support at this difficult time.

“If anyone sees anything suspicious, or wants to speak to us about any concerns they may have, please contact us straight away.”