Inquest concludes into death of baby found in the woods in Heywood

Author: Francesca FlynnPublished 7th Mar 2019

A Coroner in Rochdale's called the case of a baby found in the woods by dog walkers “one of the most difficult, emotive and distressing” they've ever dealt with.

Baby Pearl- named by officers working on the investigation- was discovered in Heywood back in April.

GMP have today thanked everyone involved in the case- from their officers- to the local community.

A man and a woman were originally arrested- but no further action was taken.

A coroner today ruled a narrative verdict saying she couldn't say exactly if the baby was born alive or was a still born-after her delivery on Christmas Day in 2017.

In a statement GMP’s Detective Inspector Knights said:

“Following today’s inquest into the death of the baby girl we have come to know as Pearl, I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that assisted with our investigation, from forensic scientists and pathologists to the local community and officers who took Pearl into their hearts.

“Today marks the end of our investigation, which was described as remarkable and thorough by Her Majesty’s Senior Coroner, and I am extremely proud of my dedicated investigation team who were committed to finding out how Pearl sadly came to be found in Heywood woodland.

“I would like to thank everyone for their support. Baby Pearl will never be forgotten.”

HM Senior Coroner recorded a narrative verdict at the conclusion of the inquest which took place in Heywood earlier today (Thursday 7 March 2019).

The inquest determined that Pearl was delivered on 25 December 2017 and was 32-40 weeks and a viable pregnancy.

Her delivery was concealed and she was stored in an unknown place until around 4 April 2018 when she was found in Bluebell Woods. Due to the passage of time, it could not be determined whether she had ever lived or if she had died.