Key 103's Break-In

Published 19th Dec 2016

On Wednesday 14th December, we broke into a house in Bolton to sort Christmas out for a family who had a really terrible second half of 2016.

Danny & Leanne Waring have been together for over a decade. This year they were destined for their 'dream year'. They finally tied the knot in July and are now mum & dad to 4 gorgeous boys.

Ted was born in February & made their family complete. Leo, Zak & Joe all being amazing big brothers to Ted.

However at 4 months old, Ted began to lose weight, being constantly sick & refusing his milk. After months of hospital admittances, visits & invasive tests it was found that Ted has a large tumour behind his eyes & ears which has been diagnosed as cancerous. The worst news a parent can ever receive! The family have to go to & from Manchester children's hospital & will be spending long periods of time away from their boys, family & friends. We went to surprise them and make sure they won’t have to worry about Christmas.

The Break-In

Danny and Leanne were in on it and helped us to plan this amazing treat. They all left their house the night before to enjoy, what the kids thought, was just an evening out and overnight stay courtesy of Bolton Whites.

Key 103 then entered the house to fill it with decorations, food, drink and (massive thanks to Tesco) a huge load of presents. Sadly Ted had been admitted to hospital due to an infection, so this was a great distraction for his 3 older brothers.

When they arrived home the next morning the children were stunned at all the presents (and the fact that Mike Toolan and Matt Haslam were broadcasting the Key 103 Breakfast show from their living room!).

But then there were extra surprises for the whole family. Dad, Danny, is a massive Bolton Wanders fan - so it was an amazing surprise to see star defender David Wheater walk through the door with extra gifts.

Then the icing on the cake was an appearance from the Wish Fairy from When You Wish Upon A Star... granting the family a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Disney!

Watch the video here...