The first CASH HIT revealed!

We had a winner! Liam Simpson from Stockport correctly guessed the song to win £2,150

Published 24th Feb 2017
Last updated 31st Mar 2017

Think you know your music? We’re testing you – and there’s money at stake!

We've been playing Key 103's Cash Hits for a while now, with hundreds of people calling to try and guess the correct answers. Could YOU work out what a song is just by listening to a short clip?! The cash keeps creeping up until we get a winner.

During his dinner break on Friday 24th Feb, Liam Simpson from Stockport called Debbie Mac to correctly guess a Taylor Swift - it was worth £2,150! Listen below to find out which song...

Sounds so obvious now doesn't it!

Keep listening to hear the next Cash Hit, for YOUR chance to win a share of £10,000

LISTEN to Key 103 Breakfast every weekday morning from 6am.