Man arrested for arson on Winter Hill

Fire crews have been tackling the blaze since Thursday afternoon.

Smoke on Winter Hill
Author: Paige CollierPublished 29th Jun 2018
Last updated 29th Jun 2018

A young man has been arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to danger life.

The 22 year old from Bolton is believed to have purposefully started the fire on Winter Hill.

Firefighters have been trying to tackle the blaze since yesterday afternoon.

Officers believe the crews will be up there for at least another two days.

Winter Hill is one of seven moorland sights across Manchester. The first was Saddleworth Moor which has now been burning for six days.

Lancashire Police and Fire and Rescue are working together to find out the cause of the fire.

Nearby residents are being told to stay inside and keep their windows and doors closed.