Man Shot In Salford

Published 6th Oct 2015

An attempted murder investigation is underway in Salford after a man was shot three times overnight .

Emergency services were sent to a house on Coniston Avenue at about twenty past 11 last night.

Officers attended and discovered a 34-year-old man had been shot three times. He was taken to hospital where he is being treated for gunshot wounds to his torso. He is in a serious, but not life-threatening condition. Police are keen to speak to two men seen leaving the scene on a motorbike and are appealing for information and witnesses. Detective Chief Inspector Clare Devlin of Salford division said: “People will understandably be alarmed when they hear about this incident but we believe that this was a targeted attack. “We are treating this as an attempted murder but we are in the early stages of our investigation and are working to establish who may be behind the shooting. We are not linking this to any other recent shootings in Salford at this stage. “I would like to assure the public that we have increased level of police officers in the area and we do not believe there is a wider threat to the community. “I would urge the local community to come forward if they saw or heard anything in the area in the early hours of this morning to contact police.”