Manchester Cathedral among venues to display Queen's funeral on large screens

22 cathedrals across the country will screen the State Funeral on Monday

The Queen paid a visit to Manchester Cathedral last summer to mark its 600th birthday
Author: PA Reporters & Dan DaviesPublished 16th Sep 2022
Last updated 16th Sep 2022

Mourners will be able to watch live coverage of the Queen's funeral on large screens at a number of cathedrals, including Manchester.

Other locations that have confirmed the screenings are: Bradford, Birmingham, Bristol, Chester, Ely, Guildford, Lichfield, Lincoln, Norwich, Christ Church Cathedral Oxford, Peterborough, Portsmouth, Ripon, Salisbury, Sheffield, Southwell Minster, St Edmundsbury, St Albans, Truro, Winchester and Wakefield.

Visitors will be welcomed to offer prayers, light a candle and observe the two-minute silence at 11am before the start of the funeral at Westminster Abbey on Monday.

The Very Rev Adrian Dorber, Dean of Lichfield Cathedral, said: "This is an historic day as we watch the funeral of the longest reigning monarch in British history, but it is also a deeply poignant moment as we say goodbye to the Queen.

"We pray that Lichfield Cathedral might be of service to its community during this time of mourning and that we can offer stability and hope for the future."

Many cathedrals - including Coventry, Gloucester, Lichfield, Portsmouth, Truro and Peterborough - will hold a vigil the night before the funeral marking a national moment of reflection at 8pm.

The Dean of Bristol, the Very Rev Mandy Ford, said: "We are honoured to make the cathedral available for those who would like to come together for the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and provide space for thanksgiving and remembrance of our late monarch."

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