Manchester shows friendship and defiance for the Florida victims

Hundreds of people line the streets of the Gay Village in support of the Orlando shooting

Published 14th Jun 2016

Hundreds of people lit candles and held a minute's silence in Manchester in memory of the 49 people killed in the deadliest mass shooting in US history.

Rainbow Pride flags - a symbol of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community - were flying a half-mast on Canal Street and cards and messages were laid beside flowers and candles.

In a moving tribute, a human chain with people holding hands circled the Gay Village while a choir sang Amazing Grace.

The event was organised by the actress Julie Hesmondhalgh who told Key 103; "It's absolutely amazing but it's what I would expect from this incredible city.

"Manchester has a history of activism and struggle and it's incredible to see so many people from the LGBT community here tonight because I know people wanted something positive to channel their energy into after the terrible events in Florida"

Manchester Pride patron Anthony Cotton said; "I'm honoured to be part of it and this city is the grestest city in the world.

" Everybody wants to show some solidarity and it's a wonderful, beautiful thing."