Online abuse affecting girls in Greater Manchester 'more than ever'

The warning comes as Love Island returns to our screens tonight

Author: Ellie LinfordPublished 28th Jun 2021

Charities in Greater Manchester are warning young girls are facing more trolling and online abuse than ever before.

It's as Love Island returns tonight - following a series of tragedies linked to the trolling of contestants and presenter Caroline Flack.

It's prompted the show to put out a warning for viewers to 'think before you post'.

But it's not just high profile stars who are being exposed to abuse - with growing numbers of teenagers reaching out for help.

Manchester based charity Girls Out Loud works with teenagers across the country - and says trolling and online abuse is affecting young girls more so than ever before.

Founder Jane Kenyon says, “Trolling is a spineless act carried out by people hiding behind anonymous accounts most of the time. The intention is to provoke a reaction so the very best way to counter this is to ignore them. There is no better response than no response.”

She's giving the following advice:

• Think before you post

• Don’t share your life with strangers

• Never be persuaded to post semi or nude pics - they stay online forever and they get shared with the world

• Block and report THE PERSON who asked you to do this

• Don’t share your vulnerabilities on open platforms. Stay private

• Never meet anyone offline, if you are not 100% sure of their real identity

• Be kind, being mean online to anyone is a cowardly action

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