Patrols stepped up after teenager sexually assaulted in Stalybridge

The 17-year-old was approached by a man close to Knowl Street - known locally as 'the yellow brick road'.

Author: Victoria GloverPublished 23rd May 2018

Police parols are being stepped up in Stalybridge after a teenage girl was sexually assaulted near the canal in broad daylight.

The 17-year-old had been walking down Knowl Street at around 4pm yesterday (22nd May) when she noticed a man following her close to the junction of Stamford Street.

As she carried on down the path which leads to the water, she was grabbed and sexually assaulted.

The man ran off in the direction of Huddersfield road when the victim screamed.

The offender is described as white, in his late teens to early 20s, of slim build, around 6ft tall and with shoulder-length brown hair.

He is also thought to be wearing a dark t-shirt and carrying a white plastic bag.

Chief Superintendent Neil Evans, GMP’s Territorial Commander for Tameside, said: “Understandably this incident is going to cause concern and I want to assure people that we have dedicated detectives working to catch the offender and we will also be increasing patrols in the area.

“The victim – who has been extremely brave and helpful to this investigation – is being offered support by specially trained officers during this difficult time.

“This is an extremely serious offence and we have been knocking on doors, trawling the area and recovering CCTV to uncover as much information as possible.

“Where this happened is popular with dog walkers and I would urge anyone who saw a man matching the description by the canal to please call police.

“If you believe you saw the man in the area before or after, then again please contact us urgently.

“We need to find this man and we will do everything in our power to do so.”

Anyone with any information should call Tameside CID on 0161 856 9262.

Information can be passed on anonymously by calling the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.