Police are now sweeping Manchester city centre for knives every week

PCs head out on the sweeps twice a week and include searching for weapons in their checks

Hits MCR News
Published 12th Mar 2019

Every Friday and Monday, officers from Greater Manchester Police head out on their regular 'sweeps' of Manchester City Centre.

They check on rough sleepers, stop and search anyone they suspect of drugs offences or dangerous behaviour, and have now started to include a hunt for dangerous weapons and other bladed articles.

Chief Inspector Cherie Buttle said:

"One of our aims and our priorities is to make sure people feel safe when they come to Manchester City Centre.

"We concentrate on key areas and locations to make sure we provide high visibility in those areas and reassure the public.

"We have found knives of varying sizes, from tools to something that can be secreted quite easily but also machetes.

"We know that any weapons that are hidden in any locations can be used in crime, but we also know anyone who carried a weapon is more likely to become a victim of crime."

The sweep this week comes at the same time as GMP are encouraging people to 'Open Your Eyes to Knives'.

Greater Manchester Police’s Assistant Chief Constable Rob Potts said: ““It’s a sad fact that people are not only carrying knives, but are now also hiding weapons in and around public places and that can be very worrying for members of the public.

“The more knives that are on the streets only leads to one outcome – more people getting hurt - and we are determined to act to stop these implements getting into the wrong hands.

“To ensure police and partner resources are targeted in the communities where they are needed most, we are asking the public to be aware and report any knife sightings to us reduce the circulation of weapons in our communities.”

If you have concerns about someone you know or care about carrying or hiding a knife, or if you are aware that knives are being concealed in your community call the Police on 101 or talk to us via LiveChat on the GMP website
