Reward to Help Catch Callous Thief

A reward is being offered for information on a thief who stole a purse from a woman who lay dead in road after she was hit by a lorry.

Published 23rd Jun 2015

The independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers is today offering a reward of up to £2,000 for information on a thief who stole a purse from an 82-year-old woman who lay dead in the road after being hit by an HGV.

Ethel Irene Ditcher, known as Irene, was hit by the lorry in Leigh Road, Greater Manchester, as she walked home from the local Asda on February 4 this year.

The 5ft-tall pensioner suffered fatal injuries as a result of the collision at around 11.45am.

And, as she lay in the road, a man walked over to her body and took her purse.

Despite an extensive investigation by Greater Manchester Police, the culprit has not been found.

Now Crimestoppers is offering a reward of up to £2,000 for information, which leads to his arrest and conviction.*

Gary Murray, Regional Manager for Crimestoppers Manchester, said: “It is beyond belief that this individual stole from Irene as she lay in the road.

“It truly was a disgusting and callous act and we want to ensure that the man responsible is brought to justice.

“There are people out there who know who this despicable thief is and I would urge those people to contact Crimestoppers anonymously.

“We don’t take personal details and we cannot trace information given by phone or online.

“Please do the right thing.”

The thief is described as white, 6ft tall, between 30 and 40 years old and of medium build.

He had a dark brown beard and was wearing a light grey hooded top with the hood pulled over his head. He also wore light blue jeans and black boot style trainers.

If you have any information please contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or through our Anonymous Online Form at .

*Note: the full reward will only qualify if information is passed to Crimestoppers’ 0800 555 111 number or anonymous online form at . Information passed directly to police will not qualify for the full amount.