Surgery For Salford Shooting Boy

Published 15th Oct 2015

A seven-year-old boy shot in the leg in Salford has been undergoing further surgery. The victim was blasted with his mother in the front doorway of their home on Gillingham Road in Winton after two men had knocked on the door,

Detectives said the shooting is potentially linked to the murder of security boss Paul Massey, 55, in Salford in July, and a feud between rival gangs in the Swinton and central Salford area of the city which has so far seen at least five shootings. Assistant Chief Constable Rebekah Sutcliffe of Greater Manchester Police, said: It will be a long road to recovery for the boy but he has been well enough to be interviewed by officers.We are making progress in the investigation and we hope the bullets will give us a clue as to the identity of the offender. Despite our pleas yesterday for the community to tell us what they know, we are still being met with a wall of silence.

These sickening attacks are putting children and innocent people at risk and we need the people of Salford to stand with us and tell us what they know.

I understand that people are reluctant to talk to police, but if you know who is behind these horrific shootings, your information could help to stop further atrocities in your community.

If you come forward with what you know, we can offer you complete anonymity and I assure you that you will have our full support. Or if you don't feel you can talk to police but you have information, you can spe ak to Crimestoppers anonymously.

Be brave, break your silence, and help us to catch the gunmen and stop the shootings.''

The first offender is described as white, between 19 and 20-years-old, of chunky'' build and was wearing a baseball cap. He spoke slowly and with a Salford accent. The second man is described as white and was also wearing a baseball cap.

A dedicated information hotline has been set up on 0161 856 9775, or people can also pass information on by calling 101, or the independent charity, Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111