Teenagers who have battled depression open up as part of our People Care campaign

Nathan Randles, from Oldham, is backing our message of support for people struggling

Hits Radio
Published 28th Jan 2019
Last updated 22nd Mar 2019

A teenager from Oldham, who has battled depression since he was 12, is backing our People Care campaign as he reveals how difficult it can be to get help when you are in school.

Nathan Randles got in touch after we launched our campaign, to show anyone struggling with mental illness that there are people out there to help.

He started self-harming to cope and says it is important children are taught how to listen, and look our for friends who may be in need of support:

"I couldn't really properly function when it came to making, maintaining and holding friendships so it all built around that really.

"It was one of my classmates in a science class who actually talked to me and encouraged me to seek help.

"I think it's something that you just don't really talk about. It's taboo in a way to open up and talk about human emotion when you're that age.

"There was a lot of jokes and a lot of sarcasm and I think it was their way of normalising it but it just didn't work.

"I think the best way to actually help in those sort of situations it to try and talk to them where it is just that, it's a private conversation where you don't need to list off all the places that can help them, it is just a chat."

To listen to our full People Care campaign:

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