Our top picnic spots in Manchester!

Make the most of that sunshine and get picnicking!

Published 17th Jun 2016

On average it rains 53% of the year in Manchester, so why not make the most of that glorious sunshine and celebrate national picnic week (weather permitting of course)!

Why not make it even more special by heading to Key 103 Dating to find someone you can take with you?

If you want to find some new spots where you can eat under the suns rare rays, have a look at this handy little list…

Platt Fields Park

You can find this park in Fallowfield and is a great place to go on a sunny day. Seconds away from the shops you can top up the prosecco and find endless meal deals. It’s just far enough out of the city to feel peaceful, yet perfectly located to transport links and pubs when you get a numb bum!

Witworth Park

Just down the road, Witworth Park is attached to the University of Manchester’s Witworth Art Gallery and is set out beautifully for that sunny al-fresco dining, and if you’re looking for something more to do, why not nip in to check out some of the art work?

Heaton Park

Heaton Park is the destination all Manchunians know for being the home of Parklife Festival, and when it’s not the time of that wild weekend, it can be a great spot to settle down and have an afternoon in the sunshine reading, playing games and having some summer snacks.

All Saints Park

Seconds from the city centre, All Saints is a secret gem in the heart of the MMU campus and can be a great getaway for either 5 quiet minutes or an afternoon of relaxation. As proud manchunians or even temporary guests, we owe it to ourselves to make the most of the sunshine, right?!

Dunham Massey

Now it may not technically be in Manchester, but it’s a great day out for a date. Especially with the kids too! Dunham Massey is a beautiful nature reserve where you can spot different species and take in the presence of Deer which live on the grounds!

Once this pesky rain clears up, head to Key 103 Dating to find someone special to take picnicking! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------