WATCH: CCTV released to warn about the dangers of 'tram surfing'

Transport bosses say children as young as 11 have been caught recklessly riding on the outside of the Metrolink.

Author: Tom DambachPublished 8th Mar 2019

Transport bosses are issuing a stark warning about the dangers of so-called 'tram surfing', following a string of recent incidents.

It's where people travel on the outside of the tram.

Latest figures show 63 incidents have been recorded since June 2018, many of those involving children, some of which are as young as 11, according to some media reports.

CCTV footage of two people recklessly riding a ‘coupling unit’ has been released to try and raise awareness of what Metrolink bosses describe as a "worrying and dangerous fa".

They're urging people report incidents and are asking parents to discuss the risks with their children.

The footage shows two people riding the tram along the Altrincham line in November last year while the tram travels at speed. The pair were on the tram for about 10 minutes.