WATCH: X Factor surprise for Heywood school!

Key 103’s Mike & Chelsea had an amazing treat for staff and pupils of Our Ladys and St Pauls School in Rochdale

Published 14th Oct 2015

Our Ladys and St Pauls School in Heywood, Rochdale got more than they bargained for when Key 103’s Mike & Chelsea visited recently with their ‘Show In A Car’… X Factor and I’m a Celebrity star Jake Quickenden turned up as well!

Molly Nicholson (aged 10) from Our Ladys and St Pauls School had only written in asking for a ‘shout’ out from Mike & Chelsea…

“The teachers are kind, helpful, honest and very hardworking people. They would do anything for us kids, especially in difficult times and I wanted them to know that we all think they are amazing”.

Watch as Molly was firstly surprised by a visit from Mike & Chelsea… and then as the whole assembly got a shock when Jake Quickenden appeared to help them sing a song they’d been rehearsing!

The children had re-worked Jessie J’s ‘Who You Are’ and Head Teacher Michelle Lenihan was clearly touched by the gesture. “Its incredibly special to hear that your pupils think so much of their school and teachers. Every teacher here aims to make life better for the children everyday and it’s wonderful to know we’re doing it well. We can’t thank Mike, Chelsea and Jake enough for giving us a day we will never forget!”

Mike Toolan said, “It was a lovely letter we received from Molly who’s clearly a very caring girl to want to say thank you to her teachers so publicly - the look on their faces was absolutely priceless!”

Mike & Chelsea’s ‘Show In A Car’ has seen the breakfast show broadcast live from the roads of Greater Manchester every Wednesday for the last few weeks. They’ve taken listeners to work places, hospitals, appointments and seen first-hand how hellish the rush hour can be!