Winter Hill fire investigation - do you recognise this man?

Police investigating the huge moorland fire on Winter Hill have released a photo of a man they want to speak to in connection with the blaze...

Police want to speak to this man
Author: Becky CahillPublished 16th Aug 2018

Police investigating the huge moorland fire on Winter Hill have released a photo of a man they want to speak to in connection with the blaze.

The image shows a black Peugeot in the area around the time the fire was first spotted - they've already spoken to the driver and now want to trace the passenger.

Det Con Stuart Lunt, of Chorley CID, said: “This is a complex investigation and we are still working hard to find out how this fire started.

“If you recognise the man in the passenger seat or have any information which could help with our inquiries, please get in touch.”