World Suicide Prevention Day: More men seek help for their mental health

The number of men attending an Andy's Man Club has more than doubled in the last 12 months.

Author: Victoria GloverPublished 10th Sep 2019

A charity which works to prevent male suicide says it's seen a huge increase in the number of men seeking help in the last 12 months.

Andy's Man Club has 21 sites across the country - including in Manchester and Oldham - where groups of men who're struggling with their mental health meet every Monday at 7pm.

To mark World Suicide Prevention day (10th September), group leaders toured the UK at the weekend to raise awareness of the support available and to spread the vital message that it's okay to talk.

We caught up with the tour bus in Manchester city centre on Saturday...

This time last year, the club saw 279 men attending its 17 clubs across the UK, but with four extra clubs now up and running, that number has now increased to 660 men.

Dan Rowe is now a session facilitator, 18 months after he struggled with his own mental health: "I've been suicidal in the past and it went as far as making an attempt to take my own life - but I now have a positive mind set .

"Every person that walks through the door is truly inspirational. It takes a huge amount of courage to attend that first session but every man that plucks up the courage and finds the strength to attend an Andy's Man Club will get better, if they attend regularly.

"No matter how bad things get, there is light at the end of the tunnel and there is hope.

"It's okay to talk and it's really important that every man understands that. You can open up and you can be vulnerable."

"What we offer is shared experience. We're not an advice group and you won't be told what you should or should't do. What we do is share life experience.

"Within a group there is always someone that's been through what you've been through, no matter how bad you think things are - there will be at least one person that you will relate to and help you to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel."