"This is the moment we've waited over a year for"

Anna McIntee will finally be able to visit her mum in her care home from March 8

Author: Natalie HigginsPublished 25th Feb 2021

A woman from Harrogate has told Greatest Hits she "can't wait" for the moment she can finally hold her mum's hand.

That memorable moment is finally in sight, as under the plans from the Government's roadmap out of lockdown care homes can have one designated visitor indoors.

Visitors will be regularly tested and the scheme is designed to be the next, cautious step in bringing families back together.

Anna McIntee will soon be able to hold her mum's hand, who she hasn't sat indoors with in over a year.

She said: "I've been apart from my mum for exactly a year this week. I can't believe I'm actually going to be able to go inside and hold her hand after all this time.

"It's going to be incredibly emotional. When I've stood at the window she's tried to reach her hand out and I've just wanted to grab it and hold it tight. But, I will be able to do that in just over ten days.

Anna's mum, Margaret, is in her 70s and was diagnosed with Alzheimer's a few years ago.

Because of the pandemic, Anna's father and her daughters haven't been able to visit Margaret and have had fortnightly window visits.

She said: "She's lost a year of her life and a year of communication - that can have a huge impact on someone who suffers with Alzheimer's. It's very confusing for her so I'm going to have to try and hold it all together and not cry.

"Sometimes she does understand and I can see her eyes well-up.

"I just want to go in and hold her hand. I don't care what it takes I'll do all the tests, wear a mask, gloves. I'll do anything to hold her as it's been far too long.

"Undoubtedly, the first thing I will be saying is "I love you mum"."

Anna's mum, Margaret, with her daughter

Care home residents will be allowed one visitor as part of cautious easing of lockdown.

The details were highlighted in the Prime Minister's roadmap to a more normal way of life.

Visitors will be allowed to hold hands with tests required before entry and PPE to be worn on site.

Harrogate Neighbours runs elderly care settings across the district.

Their CEO, Sue Cawthray, told Greatest Hits it's a "big step" in the right direction.

She said: "To have the facility where they're going to be in a same room will be amazing as they've only been able to do window visits or visitor pods.

"It is a majoy step forward and there is a long way to go. We could be met with one step forward and two steps back, but we could also have three steps forwards and only two steps back.

"Relatives are going to be nervous because they'll be very concerned with putting their relatives who are in care homes at risk and also our staff.

"We have got to remain very vigilant so it isn't just 'OK everything is fine now' our staff will still be following all the strict guidelines."

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