Oxfam strikes suspended

Strike action by Unite union members was the first in the charities 81 year history.

Oxfam Oxford Shop Sign
Published 11th Dec 2023

Strike action being taken by members of Unite, the UK’s leading union, employed by the charity Oxfam has been suspended after talks resulted in an improved pay offer being made.

The charity was started in Oxford 81 year ago, with this the first strike action from union members.

It's in a dispute over pay as workers are reportedly having to turn to food banks.

The union says average wages have been cut by 21% in real terms since 2018.

More than 500 workers at the charities offices and shops began strike action on Friday (8 December). With further strikes scheduled for 14th - 15th, 16th - 17th December. The Unite union say these have been postponed as an act of good faith while Unite ballots its members on the revised offer.

Unite regional coordinating officer Jamie Major said: “Unite has been clear from the outset that this dispute could and should be resolved through negotiations.

“Following talks on Friday, an improved offer was made and therefore Unite has suspended action to allow its members to be balloted on the proposed deal.”

If the pay offer is rejected, strike action will begin again on 20 December. First for all the latest news from across the UK every hour on Hits Radio on DAB, at hitsradio.co.uk and on the Hits Radio app.