Man charged over rape in Oxford

Police say the 46 year old from the city is due at Oxford Magistrates Court today.

Published 21st Nov 2023
Last updated 21st Nov 2023

A man from Oxford has been charged in connection with a serious sexual assault in a city church yard.

Khaliz Ali Alshimery whose 46 and from Grenoble Road in Oxford has been charged with one count of rape of a woman over 16, one count of sexual assault and one count of assault by penetration.

The charges are in connection with an incident on Sunday 19th November between 3am and 3.30am in the churchyard of St Clements' Church off Marston Road.

He's due at Oxford Magistrates Court later today. First for all the latest news from across the UK every hour on Hits Radio on DAB, at and on the Hits Radio app.