Future of Great South Run in Portsmouth decided

The race has been held in Portsmouth since 1991

Author: Josh Wright, Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 10th Nov 2021

A new contract has been agreed for the Great South Run to continue in Portsmouth for at least the next three years with a reduction to the ‘substantial’ fee paid by the city council to host it.

Cabinet member for leisure Ben Dowling welcomed the agreement, which has an optional further two-year extension, and said the event was ‘hugely beneficial’ to the city.

‘The Great South Run remains a staple in the city’s events calendar,’ he said.

‘I’m really glad that we have been able to negotiate a new contract to secure its future for three extra years.

‘It highlights the city to the rest of the country and brings enormous economic benefits for businesses and the wider city.’

The event is the third largest hosted by the Great Run Company, formally Nova International, and a 2013 study estimated its positive financial impact on the city at £3.3m in 2013, up from less than £1m in 2008.

The company has agreed to carry out an updated economic assessment as part of the latest contract negotiations.

‘We are pleased to confirm that the negotiations have recently concluded and that we have secured the Great South Run in Portsmouth for a new contract term of three years with the ability to extend for a further two years should both parties agree,’ a council report says.

‘The core offer will remain the same with a mass participation 10-mile event alongside a range of short distance events.’

However, it adds that the race layout could change from year to year to facilitate the ongoing flood defences project along the seafront.

The council has also confirmed the contract includes a reduction to the fee paid by the council to Nova. This figure has not been made public.

Provision has also been made for potential changes in broadcasting arrangements.

‘We are aware of the on-going challenges of ensuring live TV sports coverage and we do realise that more significant sports events are moving to a pay-to-view and streaming option,’ the report adds. ‘We will continue to discuss such

options with Nova International as we move into the new contract period.’

The contract is due to be formally ‘launched’ next year although tickets are already on sale for the 2022 event.

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