Suffolk Coastguards join covid-19 effort

They're supporting paramedics

Author: Sharon PlummerPublished 25th Jan 2021
Last updated 25th Jan 2021

Coastguards are on hand to help non-Covid patients in Suffolk.

Based in Saxmundham, they'll have a coastguard vehicle on hand to get to emergencies, before ambulance staff are able to attend.

A group of volunteers has undergone special training for the role, with the support initially in place until the end of the month, although this could be extended, depending on the requirements of the NHS.

Claire Hughes, Director of HM Coastguard, said:

"We remain absolutely committed to supporting other category one responders and helping frontline services to reduce the pressures on the NHS during the period of Covid-19. Our mutual aid work further highlights the supportive and fundamental role HM Coastguard plays within local communities right across the UK, with our dedicated and highly-skilled volunteers being at the heart of everything that we do."

Jeremy Littlewood, Senior Coastal Operations Officer for HM Coastguard operating in the South East, said:

"We are proud of our volunteers for the professionalism and commitment they have shown throughout the training sessions we have completed in preparation for this support work. Our volunteers are always striving to help the communities they live and work in and we all really appreciate their efforts."

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