Dad copies daughter's selfies and the pictures are hilarious

Talk about an embarrassing dad moment!

Published 15th Nov 2016

Most children have suffered from a parent embarrassing them at one point in their life, but one hilarious dad has taken things to a whole new level and its totally genius.

Cassie Martin, a 20-year-old girl, fills her Instagram feed with selfies, poses with her boyfriend and just general photos that most girls her age tend to share on social media but her dad has totally stolen the limelight by re-enacting her snaps.

Check some of the best ones out below:

Unbelievably Burr Martin has racked up a massive 72.3k followers by simply embarrassing his daughter!

After discovering his followers have now surpassed his daughters, Burr posted another shot, jokingly revealing that Cassie had asked for a ‘shoutout’ in order to gain more followers!

He captioned the shot with, 'Cassie has asked me for a "shoutout" to get more followers because HAHA! I have more. So... I... guess... if you want to... go follow her page..... Sigh.... Man! The things I do for my kids!'
