WATCH: Marilyn Manson abandons New York show abruptly after on stage ‘meltdown’

"It was the worst concert I've ever been to," fans say

Author: Scott ColothanPublished 16th Feb 2018
Last updated 16th Feb 2018

Marilyn Manson ended his show abruptly in Huntingdon, New York last night after suffering an apparent on-stage 'meltdown'.

According to numerous fan posts on social media after the concert, Manson appeared “sick” and at one point went on an incoherent rant where he apparently urged fans to profess their love to him.

He apparently ended the sold-out show at The Paramount by dropping his mic mid-song, pushing the speaker over and falling off stage.

One fan wrote: “Marilyn Manson put on the WORST show I have ever seen. Played 5 songs, bitched about people not saying “I Love You” and walked off #MarilynManson #worstconcert #refund.”

Taking to Instagram, another fan said: “Tried seeing Marilyn Manson tonight. We have seen him on 4 other occasions and always entertained. This time due to being so drugged, drunk, or sick unfortunately this concert was a complete failure.

“I know what you’re going to say but it is sad to see a complete spiral downward of a human due to drugs. Which might have been from his accident a few months ago. Marilyn please get the help you need and we will see you next time and we do love you 🙁 #marilynmanson”

Echoing these statements, another attendee wrote an in-depth account, reading: “I wish I could say last night’s show was amazing, but it was just awful. Manson came out with a bang but the whole thing deteriorated very quickly. A couple songs in, he went into a conversation with the crowd about how much we loved him (or not). Asked for cheering and the usual rock star ego stuff. That’s fine, and everyone did their best to scream as long as we could. But once it got to be 10 minutes of begging for adoration and no music, I think we all started to realize something was wrong. Once he was temporarily satisfied, it didn’t improve. They would start songs only to screech them to a halt a minute in. There were very drawn out versions of songs where Manson mostly rambled on about our lack of love and other bizarre things. After an hour and fifteen minutes of this, he threw his microphone and left the stage. House lights came on a couple minutes later. I don’t think they completed more than 4 songs.

“It’s clear he was under the influence of something. Which, let’s be honest, is not that strange for a rock star. But this was something different. He couldn’t seem to pull it together to deliver a performance even mediocre at best. It was distressing to see an artist you care about in such a bad state. Many people were yelling “F--- you!”, chanting and booing, especially at the end. But I wasn’t really angry. I was sad and bewildered. He seemed desperately in need of emotional and physical care. With the injury, the situation with Twiggy and the death of his father hitting him within a few months, it is easy to see how this could happen (though I can’t speak for how he really feels inside, of course). Maybe it was a one-time bad night. We all have those sometimes. But if not, I really hope he gets help because what I witnessed was not good. It was the strangest, saddest and worst concert I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to a lot. #marilynmanson.”

A photo on The Paramount venue’s Instagram page is full of comments from fans demanding a refund.

Marilyn Manson’s Heaven Upside Down Tour, of course, got off to a bad start when he was crushed by an on stage prop at New York’s Hammerstein Ballroom in October. He broke his fibula bone in his leg in two places and had to postpone a series of shows.