WATCH: Marilyn Manson unleashes NSFW ‘Say10’ music video starring Johnny Depp

Typically shocking stuff from the shock rock extraordinaire

Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp
Published 10th Oct 2017

Marilyn Manson has premiered a typically hard-hitting video for his latest single ‘Say10’.

Starring Manson’s close friend, Hollywood actor and fellow musician Johnny Depp, the video is a visual onslaught of nudity, sexually suggestive scenes and simmering violence that all leads up to an ultra-gory finale.

Manson says of the promo: “After the the balloons have all shrivelled up and are swallowed in the puddles of puke and idealism, don’t look to me for sympathy.

“I am here to be all that I am accused of not being. And to be blamed for what you made me. The shots you will hear are from a mouth disguised as a gun. Don’t call this art. This is a hard cock in a room full of vampires and the music, man. The music is my foul blood on your faces.”

Manson is currently resting up at home as he recovers from being crushed on stage by a gun prop in New York on Saturday 30th September. The incident forced him to cancel a series of upcoming shows on his North American tour.

Also boasting the tracks ‘We Know Where You F---ing Live’ and ‘Kill4me’, the shock-rocker’s tenth studio album ‘Heaven Upside Down’ is out right now.