The birth of Key103 on April 2nd 1974

Another anniversary for Manchester's first commercial radio station

Piccadilly Radio
Published 31st Mar 2017
Last updated 31st Mar 2017

The radio station we now know as Key103 and Key2 began life at 5 am on April 2nd 1974 as Piccadilly 261. Former Radio Caroline DJ Roger Day played in Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys and commercial radio in Manchester was born.

Managing Director Philip Birch had also "cut his teeth" in off-shore pirate Radio London and he named the station Piccadilly Radio - not just because it was based in Piccadilly Gardens (pictured above) but also because Piccadilly was a vibrant and exciting place in London.

The station split into two services Piccadilly Key103 and Piccadilly Gold and then the medium wave service became Piccadilly Magic 1152.

Over the decades the stations have covered every major news and sporting event in Manchester and has produced a wealth of broadcasting talent who have gone on to national radio and television.

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