Kanye West, rapper, fashion designer, pizza maker?

The rapper gets offered a new job.

Published 17th Feb 2016

After Kanye West’s epic Twitter rant about being in million pounds of debt, pizza chain Pizza Hut have seemingly offered the rapper a job, right here in the UK.

The controversial star took to Twitter recently to announce he owed $53 million and even begged Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg to lend him some cash.

As expected Twitter exploded with reactions to Kanye’s rant but the response from Pizza Hut’s official UK account won hands down!

Unbelievably Kanye responded to the job offer with a tweet which seemed to backtrack on his initial words.

Pizza Hut decided to keep the joke running and mocked up a CV with the hilarious caption “We’re sorry Kanye. We just can’t accept this. Please give us a call.”

So will we be seeing Kanye delivering our pizza’s anytime soon?