WATCH: Wayne Rooney slaps a 6ft7 wrestler after he's insulted in the ring

It follows a previous Twitter row about football

Published 11th Nov 2015

Wayne Rooney has slapped a 6ft 7 wrestler in front of thousands of fans – but it wasn’t as it seemed.

The footballer was at Manchester Arena for the WWE fight with his son Kai, but when ‘King' Wade Barratt (real name Stu Bennett) spotted the father and son in their ringside seats, he began to insult him.

It seemed to follow an argument previously when Bennett accused the footballer of diving during an FA Cup game against Preston.

He said "in this ring are two men who can be easily be described as championship material. Which is, of course, more than can be said of Wayne Rooney and Manchester United."

He then added a more personal insult, saying that Rooney’s son watches him fail everytime he plays football.

The Man-U captain stood up and challenged the wrestler to a fight. After some confrontation, he slapped the wrestler.

Barrett fell to the floor and the Manchester audience started chanting Rooney’s name.

But as it was a wrestling match – the whole drama was actually scripted.

Watch the dramatic moment below:

The WWE ends its UK tour on the 14th November.