Ava Max reveals the inspiration behind her number one single #SweetButPsycho

Ava Max joins #KISSBreakfast to discuss all things Sweet But Psycho

Ava Max in KISS Breakfast
Author: Nicole AbbottPublished 14th Mar 2019
Last updated 8th Jul 2019

Ava Max popped by KISS Breakfast to chat to Tom and Daisy to tell us all about her the meaning and inspiration behind her hit single, Sweet But Psycho which was 5 weeks at number one in the charts.

Ava Max explained saying "This is me in a relationship with every guy because they always call me psycho. When really I am passionated and opinionated, I'm different, I'm not psycho. I may be different but that's ok and that's sometimes why women get called psycho."

Tom being intrigued asked "There must be moments though for them to call you a psycho?" She answered straight back saying "It's just being passionate and opinionated and men in general just wanna point the finger, so they don't have to deal with it." Tom jumped in and responded saying "Hey! I'm fine dealing with you, I can deal with you." The heat continued as Ava Max replied to Tom saying "No, I'm only saying some men, not all men." Tom saying "Thank-You!"

Ava Max continued to talk about relationships saying "You know we've all been in relationships where they talk so bad about us and say stuff like psycho, and it's like I'm not psycho, I'm just saying what I feel." Talking back to the huge single 'Sweet But Psycho' Ava went onto the explain " So, this is just some girl going outta her mind in this relationship, it's really relatable really." Laughing and giving a shrug, Daisy jumped in and joined Ava Max saying "It's one for the girls, love it - amen!"

Watch the moment here:

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