Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar - Obama decides

Barack Obama was forced to answer some tough questions during a #YouTubeAsksObama Question & Answer.

Published 19th Jan 2016

Barack Obama was forced to answer some tough questions during a #YouTubeAsksObama Question & Answer. One such question during the lighting round was ‘If Drake and Kendrick Lamar got in a rap battle, who do you think would win?’

The President quickly responded ‘Gotta go for Kendrick’. Before adding ‘I think Drake is an outstanding entertainer but Kendrick... his lyrics, his last album was outstanding.’

Obama and Kendrick seem to be enjoying a bit of bromance, with Kendrick visiting the White House recently. Plus the President named Kendrick’s ‘How Much a Dollar Cost’ as his track of 2015. Drake didn’t stand a chance!

See Obama tackle the question around the 17 minute mark in the video below...