5 signs you should probably just ask them out… and stop stalking!

We’re all guilty of stalking in some capacity.

Published 17th Oct 2016

We’re all guilty of stalking in some capacity.

Whether it’s trawling through the Facebook, and two hours later, finding yourself two months back on their page, or using your friend’s log-in to spy on that person you fancy who you’re not friends with.

So before you click ‘like’ a few too many more times, or scroll further you should probably know the 5 signs that show you’re about to be tipped over into stalker territory…

1. You ‘mysteriously’ show up at the places they’ve just tagged themselves in.


Life really is full of coincidences. 2. You like every single one of their social media posts


Even that one when they said they thought they had a stalker!!!

3. You’ve been two years back in his / her Instagram posts.


And every time, you’re TERRIFIED of accidentally hitting ‘like’.

4. You’ve changed your commute to ensure your train goes past their house every morning and every evening


And sometimes you even get off at their stop. Exercise is good right?

5. You see him/her with someone new and you spend your entire weekend trawling social media trying to find out who they are...


PHEW! It’s just their brother/sister.

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