Here's the real reason Zac Efron didn't sing in High School Musical

We have answers!

Author: Jennifer MaldonadoPublished 2nd Apr 2020

Zac Efron is forever beloved for portraying Troy Bolton in the High School Musical movies - you can't even imagine anyone else playing that role. As we're all stuck indoors at the moment, what better time to revisit all the High School Musical films on Disney+, which has conveniently just been made available in the UK!

While you've most likely memorised all the words and choreography to the songs from the three movies in the series, you might've noticed that Zac's voice sounds a bit different in the first film...

Well, that's because it wasn't really him singing in the movie! (YES, WE CAN'T BELIEVE IT EITHER!) The hunky actor, who went on to star in The Greatest Showman and 17 Again, truly gave it his all and we believed it was Zac singing those magical lyrics to us, but alas, it wasn't.

It wasn't until High School Musical 2 that we got to hear what the actor's singing voice is really like and again in HSM 3: Senior Year. Plus, he sang in another musical movie he filmed, Hairspray, where he played the role of Link. And he sounds great in all of these songs so that leads us to wonder...

Who sang Troy Bolton's parts in High School Musical?

Although Zac played the role in the film, the vocals were actually provided by actor Drew Seeley.

Did Zac Efron sing in High School Musical?

We dug all the way back to 2007 to uncover the truth and Zac actually gave an interview to the Orlando Sentinel where he spoke about why it was important for him to fully sing all of the songs in HSM 2.

"That was a very huge point for me. I had to put my foot down and fight to get my voice on these tracks," Zac said. "In the first movie, after everything was recorded, my voice was not on them. I was not really given an explanation. It just kind of happened that way.

"Unfortunately, it put me in an awkward position. It's not something I expected to be addressed. Then High School Musical blew up. I'm very fortunate that Drew has gotten proper credit and also that I've gotten the opportunity to come back and try it again with my own voice. He's very talented. I consider myself a regular kid that can carry a tune."

Why didn't Zac Efron sing in High School Musical?

OK, so let's back it up a bit. There have been plenty of rumours over the years as to why it wasn't Zac singing on the songs. There was a theory that the songs were already recorded before Zac got signed on to the movie and there wasn't enough time for him to record them and Drew actually co-wrote 'Get'cha Head In the Game', so he had been involved with the project early on.

But this doesn't seem likely, since Zac said he met Vanessa Hudgens, the Gabriella to his Troy, while in the auditions and they were paired together to read a scene, which led to the duo being cast. And Vanessa did sing the songs, so that doesn't work timeline wise.

There's another theory that Zac's voice just wasn't strong enough at the time and wasn't the right fit, so his vocals were blended with Drew's who had already recorded the songs. Well, Zac seemed pretty blind-sided as to why his vocals weren't used. A mystery indeed.

Can Zac Efron sing?

He sure can! Although he didn't provide the vocals for the first High School Musical film, he did sing in the second and third films, and he also sang in his role as Link Larkin in Hairspray.

Let's not forget, Zac played Phillip Carlyle in 2017's The Greatest Showman, and provided vocals for 'The Greatest Show', 'The Other Side' and 'Rewrite the Stars'.

Why didn't Zac go on the High School Musical tour?

High School Musical: The Concert was an unforgettable experience for sure, and the OG cast all hit the road together out on tour performing all the songs from the movie. But Zac wasn't there.

He was working on Hairspray at the time, so that is why he couldn't head out on the tour. And who took his spot? You probably guessed by now but yes, Drew took his place. Here he is singing 'Breaking Free' with Vanessa.

Crazy to see him singing in the voice we all heard in the movie! But nothing tops Zac and Vanessa's on-screen chemistry and they were dating IRL at the time too. And while we all know that Zac is Troy, we can't ignore all Drew contributed, which he pointed out on Twitter when he was commemorating the 10-year anniversary of the first film.

Both Zac AND Drew helped to create the Troy Bolton we all know and love, so something to keep in mind. Zac got the solos he deserved in the other movies anyway. 'Bet On It' and 'Scream' are iconic. #NeverForget

Scroll through to see all the most underrated animated films of all time...

1) The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Disney, 1996

I know I've already mentioned that this is my favourite, but I've only included it because practically no-one else in the Closer Online office has seen it. Admittedly, it is a little dark and ever so slightly gruesome, but the songs are by far and away some of the best that Disney song-master Alan Menken has ever written.

It tells the tale of Quasimodo, a disfigured man who lives in the bell tower of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. He was brought up by Judge Frollo, an evil man who killed Quasimodo's mother, unbeknownst to him. Enter a beautiful gypsy who has a hilarious and sassy pet goat, a soldier and some talking gargoyles – what more do you need?!

2) Thumbelina, Don Bluth, 1994

Based on a Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, Thumbelina is a story of death-defying love, the importance of family – and a tiny, tiny girl. Grown from a flower, Thumbelina (voiced by Jodi Benson AKA Ariel from The Little Mermaid) is somewhat mollycoddled by her loving but slightly over-protective mum.

When she goes on an adventure with the fairy Prince Cornelius, she falls deeply in love. But the two are separated by a family of Spanish toads, a beetle, a mole – and the deathly dangerous winter. Will they ever make it back together? You'll be singing Let Me Be Your Wings for WEEKS.

3) The Princess and the Frog, Disney, 2009

You know the story of The Frog Prince, right? A prince gets turned into a frog and only true love's kiss can break the spell and make him human again. But who's going to fall in love with a frog? Well that's where things get interesting. In THIS version, he does get a kiss, but it has the opposite effect – turning TIANA into a frog too. Go on – you know you want to.

4) The Prince of Egypt, DreamWorks, 1998

Tell you what, if you're looking to teach your kids about Moses and the Ten Plagues of Egypt, you could do a lot worse than to show them this. It's not EXACTLY spot on for historical accuracy, but you've not come here to watch documentaries, have you? Be warned – it is pretty dark and it will DEFINITELY tug at your heartstrings, but it's a must-see if you want your children to be interested in religion or history.

5) Pocahontas, Disney, 1995

If you're wanting your kids to watch Frozen because you think Elsa is a fantastic female role model, get them in front of this classic. Pocahontas is the daughter of the chief who is expected to marry the handsome (and boring) lead warrior who is leading the charge against the American invaders. But when she chooses to make her own choices and follows her heart, it leads her right to one of them... I dare you to watch this without shedding a tear at the end.

6) Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Disney, 2001

If you're reading this thinking, 'Pish posh, I've seen ALL of these films – what are you on about?!' – then this film could be the one that stumps you. Atlantis is one of only a few major Disney movies NOT to feature any singing or songs. Based on the legend of the lost city of Atlantis, Milo Thatch is a scientist who believes the place is real and that he can find it. If you're a fan of Avatar, you'll like this.

7) Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, DreamWorks, 2002

Animators took a different route with Spirit. Whilst in The Aristocats, 101 Dalmatians and The Jungle Book the animals all spoke, in Spirit they don't. The film is narrated by main character, but the horses don't actually speak to each other. Whilst it's very interesting, it can be tough to sit through a film where there's only really one person speaking, but it's a story well worth watching as it teaches children the morals of using animals – Spirit is a wild stallion who is captured and taken from his herd, then used as a war horse. Of course, it has a very happy ending!

8) Oliver and Company, Disney, 1988

Oh LORDY now this is an exemplary case of a remake. Oliver & Company is plain and simply the story of Oliver Twist – but with cats and dogs substituted in. And the occasional human. Featuring the vocal talents of Billy Joel, both speaking and singing, there are some bliddy catchy songs in there. But there are a few scary bits, so if you're watching with kids... Make sure they're ready to cover your eyes.

9) The Swan Princess, New Line Cinema, 1994

This largely unknown film is based on the story of Swan Lake by Tcahikovsky. It's all about Princess Odette who has been betrothed to Prince Derek since birth, but when her father is killed and she disappears, everyone assumes she's dead too. She's not – she's just been turned into a swan. But guess what's the only thing that can wake her up? Yep, true love's kiss. This film wasn't a HUGE success, but it's one of those that you can learn to love...

10) Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, DreamWorks, 2003

Featuring Brad Pitt, Michelle Pfeiffer and Catherine Zeta-Jones, this visually stunning film should have been a sure-fire success. Sadly, it had a massive $125 million loss which nearly bankrupted the company.

But don't let that put you off – it's an exciting and intriguing story of adventure and finding yourself and include some VERY weird and wonderful creatures. Oh, and there's a lovable dog. What more could you need?!

11) Brother Bear, Disney, 2003

If you/your sprog's a fan of Big Hero 6, it's essentially a pre-cursor to Brother Bear. Except with no gadgets or universities. And this time it's got bears and spirits. The main character, Sitka, is devastated when a bear kills his brother so he kills one in revenge. But he's not prepared for what happens next… Brother Bear teaches the importance of family, and not necessarily those you are related to – but the ones you pick for yourself.

12) The Road to El Dorado, DreamWorks, 2000

The Road to El Dorado is a story about two Spanish con artists who win a map to a secret island. Once there, they find the lost city of El Dorado – and the inhabitants (for reasons I just can't get my head around) mistake them for gods.

When they realise the power that comes with being gods and see all the gold that the islanders have, they decide to use it to their advantage. But there's a scary chap who has some sort of magic powers and it all goes a bit downhill for everyone involved. Of course, there's a happy ending.

13) The Iron Giant, Warner Bros., 1999

The Iron Giant is about a little boy who discovers a giant man made of iron (obvs) and befriends him. However, the United States Government are onto the giant, and fear he is a weapon sent from outer space. They're half right...

Featuring Vin Diesel as the voice of the eponymous Giant, Jennifer Aniston as the mum and Harry Connick Jr. as an artist/car dealer, it's surprising that this epic didn't take off as much as it could have.

14) Treasure Planet, Disney, 2002

This sci-fi reimagining of Robert Louis Stevenson's famous classic Treasure Island may be a strange concept to wrap your head around, especially with creatures like cyborg pirates and alien-cat-women. Well, there's only one of those – voiced by Emma Thompson, no less.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt voices Jim Hawkins, a young lad who goes on an adventure to escape his upsetting memories of his dad leaving him without even saying goodbye. And, well, you know the rest.

15) The Rescuers, Disney, 1977

The only way you're not going to absolutely love this film is if you're terrified of mice. And even then, sweet little Bernard and Miss Bianca might win you round.

A terrified little orphan girl has been kidnapped by a nasty woman who keeps crocodiles as pets (I mean, come on), and who is looking to steal the world's biggest diamond. The little girl sends a message in a bottle in the hope of being rescued, which gets picked up by Miss Bianca and Bernard at the United Nations Mouse Division and they go on a quest to rescue her. It's heart-warming and thrilling in equal measures.

BRB whilst we go and watch all three High School Musical movies!

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