£1K Minute: What TV soap wold you find Phil Mitchell in?

Play the £1K Minute with Scottish Vauxhall

Author: Beth SmartPublished 15th Jul 2019
Last updated 15th Jul 2019

We play the £1K Minute every weekday on Dan and Grace in the Morning at 8.10am with Scottish Vauxhall. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £1000!

Here's the latest set of questions from 15/07/19. It was Alison from Nairn that was playing and she scored 7/10 on these questions.

Do you want to play the £1K Minute? Register here to be added to the list.


1) What TV soap wold you find Phil Mitchell in?

2) What comes after G in the alphabet?

3) What is 9 - 5?

4) What decade did Google launch in the UK?

5) What fruit do you get on the Hawaiian pizza?

6) What year did Wham release ‘wake me up before you go go’?

7) What is the French word for yes?

8) What festival took place down on Glasgow green over the weekend?

9) Who was the host of the 90s hit tv show ‘Don’t Try This at Home’

10) Who was the winner of the men’s singles at Wimbledon yesterday


1) EastEnders 2) H 3) 4 4) 90s (1997) 5) Pineapple 6) 1984 7) Oui 8) TRNSMT 9) Davina McCall 10) Novak Djokovic