£1K Minute: What is Gemma Collins' new TV show called?

Play the £1K Minute with Scottish Vauxhall

Gemma Collins | © ITVbe
Published 7th Aug 2019
Last updated 7th Aug 2019

We play the £1K Minute every weekday on Dan and Grace in the Morning at 8.10am with Scottish Vauxhall. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £1000!

Here's the latest set of questions from 07/08/19. It was Steven from MacDuff that was playing and he scored 6/10 on these questions.

Do you want to play the £1K Minute? Register here to be added to the list.


1) How many Gallagher brothers are there?

2) Which social media is represented by a ghost?

3) Michelle Visage is confirmed to be taking part in which BBC dancing show?

4) How many millilitres are in a litre?

5) Where in the North of Scotland would you find Clachnacuddin football ground?

6) What is 13 minus 5?

7) Which former X Factor winner is in the musical Club Tropicana at Eden Court this week?

8) What is Gemma Collins' new TV show, which starts tonight called?

9) Who had hits with ‘When We Were Young’ and ‘Skyfall’?

10) What word is represented by ‘T’ in the NATO phonetic alphabet?


1) 3 - Liam, Noel & Paul 2) Snapchat 3) Strictly Come Dancing 4) 1000 5) Inverness 6) 8 7) Joe McElderry 8) Diva Forever 9) Adele 10) Tango