£1K Minute: What nationality is Serena Williams?

Play the £1K Minute with Scottish Vauxhall

Serena Williams
Author: Beth SmartPublished 10th Jul 2019

We play the £1K Minute every weekday on Dan and Grace in the Morning at 8.10am with Scottish Vauxhall. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £1000!

Here's the latest set of questions from 10th of July 2019. It was Dave from Inverness who took part and he got 7/1

Do you want to play the £1K Minute? Register here to be added to the list.


1) Who is the latest islander to leave LOVE ISLAND

2) How many full turns is 720 degrees?

3) What nationality is Serena Williams?

4) Finish these lyrics ‘at first I was afraid, I was ___

5) Prime numbers can only be divided by its self and what other number?

6) How old is the queen?

7) Which 3 colours are used in the Irish Flag?

8) Name one of the two PM hopefuls taking part in last night’s debate?

9) What is the name of the current manager of Celtic Football club?

10) What was Postman Pats cat called?


1) Amy 2) 2 full turns 3) American 4) Petrified 5) It can be divided by its and 1 6) 93 7) Orange White and Green 8) Jeremy Hunt/Boris Johnston 9) Neil Lennon 10) Jess