Photographer captures a beautiful sunrise proposal but it didn't quite go to plan

Oops 😳

David and Jenny get engaged / Jacob Peters
Published 15th May 2017
Last updated 15th May 2017

American photographer Jacob Peters was asked to capture a beautiful sunrise proposal between a young couple, however things didn't quite go to plan.

Jacob had been asked by a man from Wisconsin to photograph his special moment, but keep it a secret from his girlfriend. Stuck without a mobile signal, Jacob took up a spot overlooking Hawksbill Crag, a popular landmark, and saw a couple arrive, although a little later than expected.

Taking around 450 photos of the special moment Jacob returned home where he eventually got a text from the man saying, “I'm confused, we never saw you and we got there a little late, are you sure it was us? I was in a blue plaid shirt…”

Needless to say another couple had had the same idea and Jacob had inadvertently photographed the wrong couple! Posting an appeal online the photographer said, "If anyone knows who this couple might be PLEASE tell them to reach out to me, I’ll gladly give them the photos."

The couple were eventually found and David and Jenny who have been together for two and a half years couldn't believe what had happened.

David said on Facebook 'Hi Jacob! I can't believe what I'm seeing! My fiancée is going nuts seeing this. She even got goose bumps over this.'

Jacob described on Facebook what happened as, 'bittersweet. On one hand I've made one couples engagement very memorable in a good way and on the other someone didn't get anything.'

Congratulations David and Jenny! 💍