Would You Try Social Media Fast?

24 hours, a week or two or even a whole month. Could you have a social media fast?

Published 9th Jul 2015

If you have any doubts about your own Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat usage, why don’t you to try a fast?

Give yourself a time-frame; 24 hours, a week or two or even a whole month.

It might be difficult but you might feel liberated too! Plus it’s easy to do because all the platforms let you deactivate your account without deleting your data. So if you decide you want to go back to using it later, you can always log back in again, and everything can be restored with a few clicks. So for all you people out there that are filled with dread by reading this, don’t worry!

If you’re an active social media user, and you go 30 days without it, you could gain a much clearer understanding of its role in your life. Perhaps you’ll realise you don’t need it at all and at the very least you’ll ensure that you’re getting good value from your online activities.

Have you tried the fast? If so, we’d love to hear from you.