8 ways to get fit without a gym

Lost-cost methods of staying in shape

Published 16th Jun 2015

Rather than exercising indoors and paying for a gym membership you forget to use, we've put together some simple, fun outdoor activities to give you inspiration to get active!

1. Cycling to work

Rediscover the invigorating experience of riding a bike and stay fit in the process. With more and more of us cycling to work, University, the shops, or just for fun, the modest bicycle is one of the easiest ways to keep active, get yourself around town, and save money on transport.

2. Stair-climbing

People generally don’t like stairs, hence why man invented lifts. But if you’re seeking out a cost-effective, easy method of adding more activity to your day, this is for you. Stair climbing also burns more calories per minute than jogging.

3. Skipping

If you haven’t used a skipping rope since your days at school, this is the perfect chance to brush up on your skills and rediscover how valuable skipping can be. It can be done anywhere, at any time, and has a range of health benefits such as heart and lung fitness, balance and flexibility. Start slowly and build up intensity and complexity.

4. Hula-hooping

Using a Hula-Hoop isn’t just for kids. A growing number of us are using this fun plastic tool to roll our abs into shape and get an intense cardiovascular workout. The basic act of twirling can tone and strengthen abdominal muscles, while benefiting from the simultaneous aerobic exercise. For best results, choose a hoop which reaches between your chest and stomach when upright.

5. Walking more


Walking is easily the most underrated form of exercise but one of the simplest ways to add more activity to your day and get healthier. Try ditching the car for short journeys, getting off public transport one stop early and planning long walks at the weekend. Research shows that people who include moderate activity like walking into their daily life, burn more energy than regular gym users.

6. Creating a bootcamp

Why not join friends in the park for a high intensity workout? Taking part in a bootcamp, challenges every muscle in your body and will leave you breathless, but with toned abs and chiselled legs. This is a great workout for people of any level and is guaranteed to burn calories.

7. Playing sports in the park

Get yourself down to your local toy shop, grab a cheap set of equipment and get involved! Playing sports is a fun way to get more active while involving family and friends. With such a huge amount of games to choose from, you should be able to find something you enjoy, while burning those vital calories at the same time.

8. Running with your dog

Have you ever considered your dog as a workout partner? Well, maybe you should. Not only is running healthy for both of you, but getting active with your canine is a great way to bond with each other. Seeing your dog passionately running next to you is also more likely to push you a little harder and run a little further.