Bailey Gwynne Murder Trial Shown Images of Fatal Stab Wound

A murder trial has been shown photographs of a school pupil's fatal stab wound to the heart.

Published 4th Mar 2016

A murder trial has been shown photographs of a school pupil's fatal stab wound to the heart.

Bailey Gwynne, 16, died after being struck with a knife during a fight at Cults Academy in Aberdeen on October 28 last year.

A 16-year-old denies murdering him and is on trial at the High Court in the city.

On day four of the trial, the jury was shown two photographs of the wound.

Bailey's family were warned in advance and the images were not shown to the wider court.

Pathologist Professor James Grieve, 62, who carried out the post-mortem examination, said: This is a stab wound that penetrated the muscle and the fat into the chest wall, between two ribs and goes directly into the heart.''

The trial has heard previously that the blade penetrated Bailey's blazer lining and pocket and the shirt he was wearing.

Prof Grieve described the wound as exceptionally dangerous'', and he said time would have been critical in attempts to save him.

Prof Grieve said Cults Academy was far enough away from a cardiac surgery theatre that he was in no way'' surprised Bailey died from his injury.

The trial has already been told that a knife with an 8.5cm blade was recovered from a waste bin at the school.

Under cross-examination, the witness said he believed the victim's chest was penetrated by around 3.5 to 4cm of blade.

The youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is also accused of being in possession of knives and two knuckledusters on various occasions between August 2013 and the day of the alleged murder.

Prof Grieve was the last witness to give evidence at the trial, which judge Lady Stacey continued to Monday.

The court heard the accused has elected not to give evidence.