Lib Dems targeting more seats in Scotland, Willie Rennie says

The Liberal Democrats "fully intend" to increase their tally of MPs north of the border in the forthcoming general election, Scottish party leader Willie Rennie has declared.

Willie Rennie
Published 21st Apr 2017

The Liberal Democrats "fully intend" to increase their tally of MPs north of the border in the forthcoming general election, Scottish party leader Willie Rennie has declared.

The SNP landslide in 2015 saw the number of Scottish Lib Dems at Westminster slump from 11 to just one, with only former Scottish secretary Alistair Carmichael surviving the onslaught.

The party has now appointed MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton - who won his Edinburgh Western seat at Holyrood from the SNP last year - to lead their general election campaign.

Mr Cole-Hamilton said he was "honoured" to have been given the job and added the Liberal Democrats have a "great grassroots organisation that is hungry for victory".

He stated: "We have the wind in our sails and a hugely motivated activist base, keen to bring the party back to strength.

"I can't wait to get my teeth into the campaign."

Mr Rennie said: "Alex has a record of taking seats from the SNP and he will do a fantastic job campaigning for a Lib Dem fightback.

"Our optimistic agenda is pro-UK, pro-EU and progressive.

"Since June last year we've been taking seats from the Conservatives, Labour and the SNP campaigning for a Britain that is open, tolerant and united.

"From Edinburgh to the Highlands, we're relishing the opportunity to take the fight to the opposition parties and we fully intend to win seats at this election."