Splash pad will be "wonderful legacy" to Highland boy and his mum

The pad at Nairn Links is now complete

Author: Liam RossPublished 28th Aug 2020

A splash pad built in memory of a Nairn boy who died from cancer is now finished.

Hamish Hey passed away three years ago in mum Susan's arms aged just eight years old.

Susan herself lost her own battle with cancer earlier this year.

The charity TeamHamish was set up by Hamish's family including Susan, his dad Sam and sister Lily to create a lasting legacy for him.

Sam says the support from the community has been "amazing."

He said: "It is a wonderful legacy to both Hamish and Susan.

"We put TeamHamish together in order to thank the community for their support throughout Hamish's illness.

"To have the community pull together like the have is just amazing.

"I don't think we really anticipated the way that the journey and the fundraising events would bring the community together.

"We've had such a positive response and so much positive interaction from the community."

Sam also said Susan would've been "so proud" with the finished result.

He added: "It is so difficult that Susan's not here to see the park completed, but it is such a wonderful legacy now in her name as well.

"She would be so proud to see what we've been able to achieve."

Due to the ongoing pandemic, it is not yet known when the splash pad will be open to the public.

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