Two men caught speeding at 131 mph on A9

The two drivers have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

Published 21st Feb 2019

Police caught two men, aged 30 and 25, after they were seen speeding in two cars near Arpafeelie on the Black Isle north of Inverness shortly after 11.15pm on Wednesday, February 20.

They have been charged and will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

They are expected to appear at Inverness Sheriff Court at a later date.

Road Policing Inspector Neil Lumsden said: 'It should go without saying that travelling at such high speeds can have catastrophic consequences.

'Please slow down, respect the safety of other road users and if you're tempted to speed then think about what the consequences of this choice could be.

'It is disappointing that drivers are willing to put themselves and others at such risk. Convictions for road traffic offences like this can result in a fine, penalty points, disqualification or even imprisonment - and the consequences of any collision could be even more serious.

'Road safety is a priority for Police Scotland, and we continue to encourage drivers to take responsibility for their driving.

'I would also ask anyone with concerns regarding the manner of someone’s driving to contact Police as a matter of urgency on 101. Always dial 999 in an emergency.'