WATCH: Wick High School's 'Mr Cool' - the sequel

Teacher Chris Aitken 3D-prints Wick High School

Published 18th Feb 2017
Last updated 2nd Jun 2017

We're following up on a story MFR News reported last year, a Caithness computer teacher's telling us how he's got on with using a 3D-printer to make a model of Wick High School.

Chris Aitken, or 'Mr Cool' as he was branded in December, has printed several models, from bad, to better, to best.

And he tells us that along with having fun doing it, it's also been an interesting lesson for the class. He said: "The very first time it turned out to be a bit of a disaster.

"I managed to even break the 3D-printer.

"I've made a second model, and a third model is currently underway.

"What I'm planning to do now with the third model, is have a model that's a high enough standard to donate to the high school, and have it as a display to go into the new high school.

"The students have been really keen to see it being made, or asking questions about the design, the manufacture of it, so it's been a very interesting thing for them to see over the last few months."

So, how would you grade Mr Aitken...does he deserve an 'A' for effort, or 'D' ... for disaster?

Marks out of 100 for the teacher: