Byron Boxing Club

Non profit sports club based in Northfield Aberdeen

Author: Michelle Ferguson

Byron Boxing Club are a non profit making organization who are based in the Northfield area of Aberdeen they run 3/4 times a week offering a place for the youth of the area to come and get fit, they promote healthy living and inform on Anti-alcohol and drugs. Their ethos is that by promoting fitness and instilling discipline they help these young people when choices are required later in life. The area has seen a reduction in anti-social behaviour. The club does not charge for this service and operate an honesty box, there is seldom any fees in the box but no one is excluded.

Cash for Kids supplied a range of equipment necessary to run this club and it allows all participants to use the facility safely without the burden of their parents having to buy equipment. Northfield is an area of deprivation where there is large areas of unemployment, drug and alcohol problems so parents being able to give their child money to buy equipment or pay fees is not possible.