Giving Charlotte a voice with Eye Gaze equipment

Charlotte is wheelchair bound and non-verbal so her teachers suggested she would benefit from use of Eye Gaze technology to give her a way of communicating.

Charlotte is non-verbal and has no facial expressions as well as being wheelchair bound.

When she started school her teachers recommended that Eye Gaze technology would be beneficial for her as it would enable her to communicate with those around her and would hugely advance her learning.

Eye Gaze is a software system that is configured to Charlotte's eye movement and she can control the functions on the screen by simply moving her eyes.

However Eye Gaze is an expensive piece of equipment and neither the school or Charlotte's family had the money for it. Charlotte's mum approached Cash for Kids for the funding and we were delighted to award over £8,000 to buy this life changing technology.

Charlotte began using the system with simple cause and effect games but she will progress to eventually being able to talk through the computer which will transform her life. Thanks to Eye Gaze Charlotte has already been able share her feelings and communicate more than ever before.